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Wakefield District Domestic Abuse Service (WDDAS): Referral Process and Referral Form
- Referral received in to the Central Coordination Service;
- Client database checked for any duplicate referrals;
- If client previously referred, check that the case is closed. Add previous client referral number(s) to new referral;
- If previous referral post October 2013, search SharePoint for Client ID. For new clients the client ID will be automatically generated;
- Research Caredirector and record reference number/Lead practitioner, where applicable, for either adult or child(ren);
- Where children are living in a household, the Children and Young People Service must be notified of current DV concerns. If children are not currently open, the Risk Assessment Officer or Duty Officer must make a referral (see Contacts and Referrals Procedure);
- Enter referral details on to SharePoint. Note referral number (automatically generated) on referral form;
- Scan new referral form in to the Referral section of Client Files folder in SharePoint;
- Enter details of new referral on to Client Database - Excel database; and
- When referral has been entered on Sharepoint, the Risk Assessment Officer or Duty Officer to make contact with the victim within 24 hours (self-referral) or 48 hours (agency referral).
- Risk Assessment Officer or Duty Officer to attempt to contact client by telephone with 24 hours (self-referral) or 48 hours (agency referral);
- All contact/s and attempts to make contact are required to be recorded within the client record on SharePoint, and on the Contact Sheet;
- Inform referring agency of all contacts/attempts to contact and record this on the client record on SharePoint, and on the Contact Sheet;
- Risk Assessment Officer or Duty Officer will complete a DASH Risk Assessment with the victim at point of referral unless a DASH Risk Assessment is already in place, in which case the Risk Assessment Officer will review the DASH in place;
- If the Risk Assessment Officer or Duty Officer is unable to contact a new referral within 2 working days, they will update notes and move the case from "Awaiting Assessment" to the "Housing" list; and
- Duty Officer will check the Housing list daily and attempt to make contact with unallocated cases.
- A DASH Risk Assessment is required for each incoming referral – unless already referred to MARAC;
- The DASH Risk Assessment does not need to be undertaken if this has already been completed by the referring agency, however a copy of this should be saved in the Risk Assessment section of the Client File on Sharepoint and reviewed with the victim;
- Where a DASH Risk Assessment scores fourteen or more this will be an automatic referral to MARAC Panel by the Risk Assessment Officer or Duty Officer, unless already referred by referring agency;
- If scored under 14 the Risk Assessment Officer or Duty Officer will use professional judgement in relation to referring to MARAC. Liaise with Specialist Domestic Abuse Practitioner/Team Manager for support in relation to decision-making;
- The MARAC process should be discussed with the client, and preferably, verbal consent for a referral should be gained from the client. If the client does not consent to MARAC referral, they should be advised that a referral will be made without consent if it fits the criteria (cross-ref MARAC policies and processes), and heard at conference;
- All high risk MARAC cases (whether referred with or without consent) will then be allocated to an Specialist Domestic Abuse Practitioner;
- Where a referral is not assessed as high risk but needs are still identified, the referral should be allocated to an Specialist Domestic Abuse Practitioner for further assessment;
- The DASH Risk Assessment should be repeated throughout support, again if there are any further incidents/changes of circumstance, and when a case is being considered for closure. A referral to MARAC should be made in the same way if it meets the referral threshold at any time.
- Where a client is contacted and they decline the service, complete a Closure Form and submit for closure via SharePoint, unless a MARAC case;
- MARAC clients who have been contacted but declined Specialist Domestic Abuse Practitioner support should be kept open until the case has been heard at MARAC and considered for any further actions, if no further input is required, a closure form should be completed and submitted for closure via Sharepoint;
- Risk Assessment Officer or Duty Officer closing the referral should advise the referring agency (where applicable) by email or letter and record this update on Sharepoint.
- Where safe to do so (e.g. separated/perpetrator not in the household) write to the Client, offering the service;
- Contact the referrer to check for any new contact details, telephone or mobile numbers;
- Check with referrer as to whether Client still wishes to access support by WDDAS;
- Where applicable, inform the referrer of the attempts to contact the client and that the referral is to be closed. Record this action;
- Consider undertaking a 'cold call/home visit' to the client, where safe to do so, together with a partner agency e.g. West Yorkshire Police.
- Risk Assessment Officer or Duty Officer is to contact the referrer by email to confirm receipt of referral;
- When Dash Risk Assessment has been completed and allocated to Specialist Domestic Abuse Practitioner. Specialist Domestic Abuse Practitioner is to contact referrer by email to confirm case allocation;
- If the Risk Assessment Officer or Duty Officer is not able to contact the client on the details given on the referral, they should contact the referrer ascertain whether there is any other method of contact;
- Where a referral is not appropriate for support (e.g. where effective intervention cannot be offered or where the content of the referral is not suitable for Specialist Domestic Abuse Practitioner support), the Risk Assessment Officer or Duty Officer will contact the referrer suggesting sign-posting to services and agencies appropriate for the needs suggested within the referral. Details of sign-posting should be recorded on Sharepoint.
- Administration and Data Monitoring Officer to research Caredirector and record on SharePoint if known/lead professional;
- Pass to Risk Assessment Officer or Duty Officer to make contact with the victim within 24 hours (self-referral) or 48 hours (agency referral);
- If victim not known to Children and Young People's Social Care, a referral should be made immediately notifying them of the risk of harm to the child as a result of the domestic abuse disclosure. Consent should be obtained from the victim, but child protection overrides consent where immediate risk of harm is present. This decision should be made in consultation with a Team Manager;
- Risk Assessment Officer or Duty Officer will complete a Young Person's DASH Risk Assessment with the victim at point of referral unless a DASH Risk Assessment is already in place, in which case the Risk Assessment Officer will review the DASH in place;
- Where a DASH Risk Assessment scores fourteen or more this will be an automatic referral to MARAC Panel by the Risk Assessment Officer, unless already referred by referring agency;
- If scored under 14 the Risk Assessment Officer will use professional judgement in relation to referring to MARAC. Liaise with Specialist Domestic Abuse Practitioner/Team Manager for support in relation to decision-making;
- All high risk MARAC cases (with or without consent) will then be allocated to an Specialist Domestic Abuse Practitioner;
- Where a referral is not assessed as high risk but needs are still identified, the referral should be allocated to an Specialist Domestic Abuse Practitioner for further assessment;
- Referrals for clients under the age of 16 will not be accepted by WDDAS, the referrer should be contacted to notify of age criteria and advised to make referral to Children and Young People's Social Care.
- Complete Post-Intervention Form (where applicable);
- Notify referrer of closure (by e-mail where available). Include information re support offered;
- Complete Closure Form;
- Forward to Admin/Data Officer;
- Admin/Data Officer obtain performance information, close on Client database;
- Admin/Data Officer forward to Team Manager;
- Team Manager/supervision identify any additional actions/seek clarifications etc.
- Team Manager close and file;
- Finally, if uncertain whether a referral is appropriate, please see the Team Manager/supervision for clarification.
Last Updated: April 5, 2024